Brussels South Charleroi Airport achieves level 4 of ACI Europe’s Airport Carbon Accreditation programme, which takes it one step closer to carbon neutrality


CHARLEROI, 12 June 2024 – Brussels South Charleroi Airport has successfully achieved level 4 – Transformation – of the ACA programme developed by ACI Europe (Airport Council International). This recognition confirms and recognises the airport’s environmental commitments. Level 4 of the ACA programme means that B.S.C.A.’s strategy for managing carbon emissions is in line with international climate goals. Among other things, the airport has focused on an absolute reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and consolidated the commitment made by its partners.

The goal of the international Airport Carbon Accreditation programme is to encourage and allow airports to implement best practices in this area. Launched in 2009, it has been developed in accordance with international standards, including the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) and the ISO14064 programme (1).

The ACA programme is organised into seven ambitious levels, which airports can aim to achieve in turn.

Brussels South Charleroi Airport joined this environmental programme just over three years ago,” explains Philippe VERDONCK, Chief Executive Officer of Brussels South Charleroi Airport. “The airport has made enormous progress in reducing its carbon footprint and playing an active role in the fight against climate change. This success was made possible thanks to the unwavering commitment of our partners and the implementation of carefully considered measures.

B.S.C.A. achieved level 3 – Optimisation in 2023. Today the airport has reached level 4, also known as Transformation. This achievement reflects an environment policy that is moving towards an absolute reduction in carbon emissions and an extension of the analysis of its ecological footprint beyond its own activities, based on a long-term plan for managing emissions. This plan must clearly define the way forward, the interim steps and the measures needed to reach this goal. In addition to this, the airport must also be able to put together a partnership plan with its stakeholders in order to combat third-party emissions.

In order to do this, Brussels South Charleroi Airport has implemented a range of practical initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint significantly. These include gradually replacing its airside vehicles with electric alternatives, optimising its use of electricity and heating/ventilation systems, improving waste recycling and management, installing solar panels on the roof of terminal 2 and raising awareness among staff about small things they can do to reduce CO2 emissions.

The airport has also drawn up its list of goals in terms of reducing its absolute total emissions according to international requirements. The aim is to limit climate change to no more than a 1.5°C rise compared with pre-industrial levels (1990), in line with IPCC (2) recommendations and the Paris Agreement.

To date, 571 airports around the world have signed up to the ACA programme, 290 of which are in Europe. B.S.C.A. is now one of the 91 airports to have achieved levels 4, 4+ and 5, joining the ranks of airports including Montreal, Hong Kong, Auckland, Zurich and San Francisco. This shows how the airport is taking active steps to transform its infrastructure, confirming its commitment to ACI Europe’s Sustainability Strategy for Airports and maintaining its dedication to achieving total CO2 neutrality by 2050.

Big kudos to Brussels South Charleroi Airport for being the very first airport in Belgium to achieve Level 4 Transformation in the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme!proclaims Olivier JANKOVEC, Managing Director of ACI EUROPE. This huge accomplishment is the result of the hard work and passion of the entire CRL team. At Level 4, CRL is committed to a long-term carbon reduction pathway fully aligned with the Paris Agreement, reflecting their dedication to effective decarbonisation. By actively involving third parties in their mission to reduce emissions, the airport is also extending its outreach and lead. A heartfelt congratulations to everyone at CRL for their visionary efforts and unwavering dedication to carbon management.