Covid 19 – On 2 December 2020, the health measures introduced by Charleroi airport were recognised by the ACI Airport Health Accreditation programme.

Within the context of the Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) programme, designed to assess health measures taken by airports, ACI (Airports Council International), an association encompassing the majority of the world’s airports, has awarded its certification to Charleroi airport, demonstrating the level of the measures taken by the airport to deal with the Coronavirus epidemic.
Recognising the effectiveness of the health measures taken in airports.
Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic and to help the resumption of air travel, ACI has launched an accreditation programme designed to assess the extent to which health measures adopted by airports match up with the international recommendations defined by the dedicated task force set up by the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), by the EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) and by ACI.
This programme is based on an audit of the health measures introduced for all of an airport’s processes and areas.
This accreditation demonstrates that the airport offers all passengers a safe experience in line with the recommendations of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and the COVID-19 Aviation Health Safety Protocol published by the EASA / ECDC (European Union Aviation Safety Agency / European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control).
“This accreditation certificate bears witness to all the hard work of everyone at Charleroi airport when it comes to implementing measures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, thus establishing passengers confidence,”, explained Philippe Verdonck, the airport’s CEO.