Within the context of extending the runway at Brussels South Charleroi Airport to 3,200 metres, a former landfill site underneath the extension work has been fully cleaned up.
It took several months to remediate the ground where this former landfill site had been. 179,283m³ of material was excavated and cleaned up before being returned to the site.
An application to reuse the crushed material from the landfill site was submitted at the end of September 2019 to the DIGPD (Wallonia’s department for waste facilities and waste policy). Reusing this material on the site helped to avoid additional costs associated with transport. That meant that over 3,000 fewer lorries needed to travel on Walloon roads.
The “inert” material on top with a diameter of 80mm (stones, blocks of concrete, kerbs etc.) that needed to be removed was crushed on-site and reused in accordance with a very strict environmental monitoring process.

The rubble was taken to the filtering and crushing unit to separate the materials into different types and sizes, but also to reduce the size of the stones from the landfill site. Having been processed, the materials were therefore turned into the right sizes of stone without any waste that could be reused on the site.