Severely affected by the Covid-19 crisis, the European airport sector saw a drop of more than 70%* in passenger numbers between January and 22 November 2020.

Charleroi airport reported a 67% fall over a similar period, putting it just above average compared with similar European airports.
The European aviation industry is one of the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, with airports recording unprecedented falls in traffic and income.
ACI EUROPE’s latest forecasts suggest that European airports will lose around 1.69 billion passengers in 2020 **.
At Charleroi airport, we are estimating a loss of 5.9 million passengers in 2020.
This situation is creating significant imbalance in the air transport ecosystem, and is threatening the whole aviation sector.
In other words, more than eight months after the beginning of this unprecedented crisis, all of Europe’s airports are having to rationalise their cost structures and optimise their sources of income by guaranteeing a high quality, safe service for passengers.
Charleroi airport is committed to managing its short-term risks, whilst continuing to develop its strategy for the medium and long term:
- Work to extend Charleroi airport’s runway, extending it to 3,200 metres, bringing it up to intercontinental standards.
- Starting work on the esplanade and future border control building.
- Rolling out digital solutions to improve the passenger experience.
Within this context of COVID 19, following on from the implementation of our health plan, including the elements announced by government institutions and the aviation sector (EASA, IATA, ACI); we have talked to our passengers about their views of these health measures introduced at Charleroi airport and 86.3%*** feel reassured by what we are doing.
Charleroi airport has also been assessing travellers’ thoughts about 2021.
83%**** of those asked say that they would like to travel in the months to come and more than 88% are considering flying again.
* ACI Europe 27/11/2020
**ACI Europe 4/11/2020
***Questionnaire carried out in the terminal over the period between 9/9 and 14/9 2020 (sample size = 2,144)
****Questionnaire carried out via the newsletter on 18/11/2020 (sample size = 3,464)